Hennings Rökeri, our smokery, was started in the mid 50's by Henning and Dagmars Knutsson. In the year of 1999 the son Bo Knutsson and his wife Maria took over the business.
Our production consists mainly of salmon; both hot smoked and cold smoked, but we also smoke eel, mackerel filét, butter fish, plaice, herring, herring filét and shrimps.
The smoking process takes between 3 and 36 hours and is monitored by very knowledgeable people called smokery masters. Alder wood is the genuine fuel for our ovens and outside "Bakfickan", our lounge area, there are always a big pile of alder wood as a proof of this. This is what gives the fish the best of flavours.
Hennings Rökeri has in the year of 1999 been awarded "Gastronomiska Akademins Diplom" for high class fish products.

The summer restaurant Dagmars Hamnkrog opend up in 1995 and has since developed alot. In the old days we only used the inside dining area and a couple of wood benches outisde with umbrellas on. Now we have built a big glass serving area with about 100 seats, outdoor benches below roof and a couple of seats below our beautiful blue sky.
In the year of 2017 we also opened up "Bakfickan", as a part of the restaurant where great beer, refreshing drinks and cold courses are the main focus.